featured detconDetcon1 is looking for a Publications Department Head.  The release is below:

DETCON1 is proceeding apace toward being a fantastic and fun convention.

However, we would benefit greatly from having an experienced Pubs head to shepherd the final couple months of the process. Here-to-fore we have managed because Tammy and I both have substantial pubs experience ourselves, but Tammy really needs to focus on other things for the con, while I am moving out of state the week after the con and am therefore unable to give this task the time and focus it deserves. We have skilled volunteers for layout, editing, advertising, and such. What we need is a skilled manager with time between now and July 20. We know we’re asking a lot, and appreciate your consideration.

Job Description: Manage process and maintain timetable for Promotional Poster, final (electronic) Progress Report, Souvenir Book, Pocket Program, and Restaurant Guide for the 2014 North American Science Fiction Convention. Coordinate with web and social media teams for multiple avenues of content distribution. Make sure plan for materials and equipment for at-con publication of Newsletter and Pink sheets is in place and sufficient, in coordination with Sign Shop staff, Program Ops, and Newsletter editor.

Convention date: July 17-20, 2014


Detcon1 has several people managing content, editing and layout, advertising, relationships with printers, etc. for our various publications and is seeking an experienced Publications Division Head to process manage team members and get that off the plate of the conchair. A timeline has been set, but someone needs to own it and oversee everything at a top level.

This is a job that can quite effectively be done remotely. You do not have to be attending Detcon1. You will receive copies of all publications and our eternal gratitude. If you wish to attend Detcon1 we will be glad to have you.

Please contact Tammy Coxen at  if you have interest and availability.

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