“Lake Geneva is a fanzine project organized by young fen (well, young but able to copiously drink) who live together and honestly spend far too much of their time indulging in every element of science-fiction and fantasy available. The brainchild of Pablo M.A Vazquez III, it was born out of a desire to give back to the fandom he loves so dear and not just spend all of his free time watching Star Trek re-runs. Concentrating mostly on literature, they and their wide range of fantastic contributors also delve in music, movies, television, video games and whatever format science-fiction and fantasy finds itself in nowadays, both with an intellectual and self-aware perspective. Beginning with Issue #1 debuting in early October 2013, Lake Geneva declares (but never promises) that it will be a bi-monthly publication worthy of being read by fandom at large.”
From Pablo Vasquez’s introduction.
One of Amazing Stories’ missions is to serve as a bridge between “graying old fandom” (folks my age and older who carry with them the honor and the burden of retaining fandom’s purpose and calling) and the “new generation” of fans whose experience with the genre is entirely different from ours. We’re very pleased and excited to see younger fans picking up the mantle of fanzine publishing – even if it isn’t a mimeod publication.
Here then is Pablo Vasquez’s Lake Geneva
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