Before the unthinkable happens and I miss my deadline for this blog post, why not do a meditation on – deadlines. There is art for every occasion. There truly is. Obviously, I am not the only freelancer struggling with juggling things. Sometimes it’s hit. Sometimes, it’s miss. And sometimes it’s a near-miss.
I’ve a good enough excuse this time, though. I was planning to liven up the format of this blog a bit and introduce some artist interviews. My first interviewee was a little slow getting back to me. To be sure, I was also a bit slow with getting on to him in the first place — but hey, I’m the blogger. 😛
What with spending all of yesterday afternoon in the recording studio (after taking a musical break of almost five years), and coming home late to find a 2500 word – paid – translation job in my inbox, which needed to be finished by the next day 2 pm, well, you know. There just wasn’t a blog ready to be posted.
We all know how that feels, don’t we.
So here are a few artists’ interpretations of the deadline state of mind. I encourage you to check out the respective artists’ DeviantArt galleries as well – Cyril Rolando (Aquasixio), in particular, has long been on my watchlist for his quality work, which often has fantasy themes.
Until the next one, then – be prepared to meet some up and coming Fantasy and Science Fiction artists in person!
All images are copyright the respective artist, and may not be reproduced without their permission.