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Author Launches Ambitious SF Series

S.F. author Stokely Gittens has launched a S.F. series based around the character, Peter Paul, a human-cheetah hybrid.

The gripping SF-action novel opens with the lead character being rousted out of bed by his parents with a hurried discussion of the family being chased by unknown pursuers.

“The idea of combining human and animal DNA has been around a while. Whether or not it’s actually happened remains to be seen but it does raise some interesting questions of what could happen,” Mr. Gittens said.

The first-in-the-series books critically examines how government and science increasingly collide in today’s world.

“That’s a large part of what I wanted to tell – how our world is changing and paradigms are shifting and how certain parts of the world are fighting this,” the Orlando, FL, author said. “Tensions about DNA research, human cloning and stem cell research are climbing. While my book does not provide any definite answers, it does put a new perspective on the issues.”

Part adventure book and part thriller book, the novel explores the conflicting natures of man and beast when brought into one being.

The science fiction book, “Peter Paul: The Chase Begins,” is being well received by reviewers. “Highly recommended this book for anyone who wants a thrilling action story with some modern day implications and issues,” says Midwest Book Review. “Action and suspense are sustained throughout the book. Peter and Roy are established as fairly strong characters, and their personalities are revealed well through their dialogue and actions,” says Leading Edge Magazine.

Peter Paul: The Chase Begins is available for purchase at Amazon, online retailers, and bookstores. Read excerpt at

Peter Paul: The Chase Begins
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9798329-0-1, Pages 328

For lectures, readings, appearances, or a high resolution JPEG color photograph of Stokely Gittens or the book cover you may contact Stokely Gittens at P.O. Box 163206, Altamonte Springs, FL 32716 or email at

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