Knock, knock…Who’s There? Doctor. Doctor Who?


Oh yes, 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the one and only Doctor. Doctor Who is the longest running science fiction TV show in the world, and being that successful, clearly there is a lot for the BBC to look back on and celebrate to bring us a really special birthday episode later this year.

The official birthday isn’t until 23 November 2013, so we have a lot of time for lots of speculation and rumours about what will happen. Billie Piper recently appeared on Graham Norton’s BBC TV show and loosely talked about the show – she managed to avoid the question about returning this year to the character or Rose but discussing fellow guest Frank Skinner’s obsession with the show and begging to get a part in the 50th special.

My personal favourite Doctor, David Tennant, appeared on ITV’s Jonathan Ross show promising that he really didn’t know anything about the show. David also mentioned that the BBC sent a spy over to its rival station ITV and into David’s dressing room to warn him not to reveal anything about plans for this year during his interview, to which David mentioned on air that he still didn’t know anything!


Will we be seeing more than one of the 11 Doctors in the episode? Will there be a new Doctor? Will some of the special guest stars make another appearance? Who knows? It seems that it is all top secret for now, but we can certainly expect big things. We’ll be making sure that you will be kept up to date with all the Doctor Who news right here at Amazing Stories.

Image sources: BBC / The Reinvigorated Programmer


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