AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: 2-10-19: Pre Scroll Edition

Stan and Ollie: A Review
By Steve Vertlieb: Stan And Ollie is truly one of the loveliest films that it has been my privilege to see in years. This sweet, gentle portrait of the screen’s indisputably greatest comedy team is often hilarious, yet heartbreaking in

Q&A With Jason Heller About Strange Stars
ROB THORNTON: Would you like to introduce yourself to our audience? JASON HELLER: I’m a writer, editor, and musician from Denver. I do lots of writing about music and books, including reviews and essay for The New Yorker, The Atlantic,

George Locke (1936-2019)
British fan, bookseller, and author George Locke died February 1 at the age of 82. His first published sf story was “The Human Seed” for Authentic Science Fiction in October 1957, and he wrote a number of stories under the

Pixel Scroll 2/9/19 Long Thoughtful Commentses Wrapped Up In Sings, These Are A Few Of My Scrolliest Things
SCIENCE IS A MOVING TARGET. James S.A. Corey thought they had the science right but a NASA spacecraft proved them gloriously wrong. National Geographic got the creators of The Expanse to write Dawn a fan letter — “Dear Dawn:

2018 AnLab Readers’ Award Finalists
Analog magazine has posted the works from 2018 that finished in the top five slots in each category of the Analog Analytical Laboratory. The winners will be revealed in Analog’s July/August issue. There are links to PDF files that will

2019 Asimov’s Readers’ Awards Finalists
The top five choices for Asimov’s 33rd Annual Readers’ Awards Poll are online. There are links that will allow you to read all the finalists. The winners chosen by readers will be revealed at a later date. BEST NOVELLA 3-adica—Greg

Pixel Scroll 2/8/19 It’s Just A Pixel To The Left, And A Scroll To The Right
TAPPING MORE REVENUE STREAMS. Peter Grant has his own spin on the recent “day job” meme in “Disruption and the business of writing” at Mad Genius Club. …In essence, we have to stop looking at each book as an

2019 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire First Round Nominations
The nominations for the 2019 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire have been announced. This is in effect a longlist, and in a few weeks the jurors will issue their shorter second round of nominees. The awards will be presented on June 9 at

Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in Comics 2019 Finalists
The five finalists for the 2019 Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in Comics Award were revealed February 7. The award celebrates diversity in comics and comic creative teams, and honors the memory of Dwayne McDuffie. McDuffie was a comics writer

Yes I Can
By John Hertz: Maybe the spirit of Sammy Davis, Jr., will allow my borrowing his title. My reason can wait till the end. You may find it sooner. In this year’s Hugo Awards I’ve recommended Alternate Routes (Powers) for Best

International Film Music Critics Association Awards Nominations 2018
The International Film Music Critics Association (IFMCA) announced its list of nominees for excellence in musical scoring in 2018 on February 7. Composer James Newton Howard received the most nominations with four. He is nominated for his work on two

Pixel Scroll 2/7/19 “What Are You In For?” “Littering.” And They All Moved Away From Me. “And Making A Nuisance.”
TWO CIXIN LIU MOVIES BATTLE FOR TOP BOX OFFICE. A pair of films based on the work of Cixin Liu recorded the top box office grosses in mainland China over the Chinese New Year. “Ning Hao’s ‘Crazy Alien’ Passes

Uncanny Magazine 2018 Favorite Fiction Reader Poll Results
The winning story in the Uncanny Magazine 2018 Favorite Fiction Reader Poll Is — The Tale of the Three Beautiful Raptor Sisters, and the Prince Who Was Made of Meat by Brooke Bolander Other stories finishing in the Top Five were: 2. The

Q&A On Sci-Fi Package, Better Worlds w/ The Verge’s Editor Andrew Liptak
In January The Verge launched Better Worlds, a new series of short fiction and animation that explores how technology could shape our society and environment in better, more equitable ways. Here’s a Q&A about the series with The Verge’s Andrew

Pixel Scroll 2/6/19 Pixels In The Hands Of An Angry Scroll
BETTER WORLDS. Latest in the Better Worlds series on The Verge is “Skin City” by Kelly Robson. Listen to the audio adaptation of “Skin City” in Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, or Spotify. Andrew Liptak’s Q&A with author Robson: “Kelly Robson on burlesque and

2019 Splatterpunk Awards Nominees
Wrath James White and Brian Keene, founders of the Splatterpunk Awards, which recognize superior achievement in the sub-genres of Splatterpunk and Extreme Horror, announced the nominees for the second annual awards on February 4. BEST NOVEL A Gathering of Evil

Ana Maria Curtis Wins 2019 Dell Magazines Award
The winner of the 2018 Dell Magazines Award for Undergraduate Excellence in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing was announced on February 5. Winner: Ana Maria Curtis of Swarthmore College for the story, “Military Sunset.” First Runner-up: Cody D. Campbell of

2019 VES Awards Winners
The Visual Effects Society (VES) announced the winnersof the 17th Annual VES Awards on February 5. The awards recognize outstanding visual effects artistry and innovation in film, animation, television, commercials and video games and the VFX supervisors, VFX producers and hands-on

Pixel Scroll 2/5/19 Recycling Day: Leave Your Blue Bins On The Shoulders Of Orion Tomorrow
FANTASY LIST. ReedsyDiscovery offers its list of “The 100 Best Fantasy Series Ever”. It’s in alphabetical order by title – I was briefly worried, because if somebody wanted to put A Song of Ice and Fire in first place

Wandering Through the Public Domain #7
A regular exploration of public domain genre works available through Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, and Librivox. By Colleen McMahon:I turn up material for this column in the most roundabout ways. For example, I was looking at CLEWS, a historic true

Tähtivaeltaja Award 2019 Shortlist
The Tähtivaeltaja (“Star Rover”) Award finalists have been posted. The award goes to the best science fiction book published in Finland in the previous year. The nominees were selected by a jury of journalist Hannu Blommila, editor Toni Jerrman, critic Elli

Pixel Scroll 2/4/19 Like Pixels Through File 770, So Are The Scrolls Of Our Lives
COVER REVEAL. Here is The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction’s March/April 2019 cover. The cover art is by Kent Bash. (2) BETTER WORLDS. The latest short story (and video adaptation) in The Verge’s “Better Worlds” series is “A

2019 Audie Awards Finalists
The Audio Publishers Association (APA) has announced finalists for the 2019 Audie Awards®, recognizing distinction in audiobooks and spoken word entertainment. Finalists are selected by a diverse group of experienced judges and one winner is awarded the Audie in each

A Look at Rare Books LA
Rare Books LA was held in Pasadena, CA over the weekend. John King Tarpinian snapped photos of some of the sff rarities for sale with their price cards. If you look closely the current values of some of these familiar

Pixel Scroll 2/3/19 It Is Dangerous To Be Pixeled In Matters On Which The Established Authorities Are Scrolled
MEN IN BLUES. In Fabrice Mathieu’s newest movie mashup the Blues Brothers are back… as Men In Black! Agent J of the MIB is in prison. He swindled Aliens while on the job. Today he is released for a

2019 Annie Awards
The 46th Annie Awards were presented on February 2 by The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood. The following special awards were also announced: Winsor McCay Awards for lifetime achievement: Ralph

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