This week, Steve talks about the present Superman TV show and what it means to him personally. What does he think about it? What do YOU think about it?
Steve, not being much of a gamer, was unimpressed by the blurb for the TV version of The Witcher. Did he change his mind when he actually saw the series? Find out for yourself!
Chocolate and bacon, the only things better than cheap eBooks and SF movies! (Okay, there’s sex and alcohol too.) Steve offers you both! (No, not sex and alcohol—ebooks & movies!)
This week there was only one thing I could write about. Man of Steel. I saw the film and it was amazing. I personally think it is the best outing of Superman ever. Zack Snyder […]
Warning: Minor Man of Steel spoilers follow. In all fairness, Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel is a beautiful movie. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect from a “New 52”-era DC Comics adaptation: loads of […]
Alex Kane is an author, blogger, and critic whose work has appeared in Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, Digital Science Fiction, and Foundation, among other places. He lives in the small college town of Monmouth, Illinois, where he earned a B.A. in English, and was recently named a finalist in the international Writers of the Future contest. Visit him online at
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