Customer Service by John Purcell
RECORDED FEMALE VOICE: “To ensure quality control, this conversation might be recorded.” TRANSCRIPT BEGINS: “Satellite Life and Property, Customer Service, this is Monica. How can I help you?” “Uh, yeah. Monica?” “Yes, sir.” “Yes. Monica. […]

Deep in the Heart of Texas, Redux
Long a popular feature in fanzines, con reports have provided detailed and not-so-detailed write-ups of fan gatherings that fall under the general label of “convention.”

Deep in the Heart of Texas, Part 2
Ever wanted to drop a fan into the middle of the Atlantic? Learn how.

Deep in the Heart of Texas, Part 1
Before I really get into the meat and potatoes of this entry, allow me to apologize for being absent a few months. Since some readers might know me – which on this website may not […]

I Got Them Old Kon-Going Blues Again, Momma.
Forgive me, Janis Joplin, for destroying that wonderful album title of yours. But it is true: the urge to get up and go to a con is growing in me. Fortunately, I can do something […]

E-Zines vs. Dead Tree Zines: the more things change…
I have been producing fanzines off and on since 1976, shortly after encountering science fiction fandom and this particular aspect of that hobby interest. As anybody who has ever pubbed (that is fanspeak for “published”) […]
John Purcell
A professor of English and ESOL (teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Blinn College in Bryan, Texas, John Purcell has also been at various times in his life an insurance assistant underwriter, worked at a pig-packing plant in Iowa, and a professional jazz musician. John gave that last one up for teaching because he needed a steady paycheck to take care of a growing family. Yes, he is married – for 23 years now – and has three children, all grown. Well, almost; the youngest is 17 and still living at home, but as soon as that kid is done with college and gets a job, he gets the boot.
John currently publishes the online fanzine Askance, which is available for viewing and downloading at www.efanzines.com, and has been involved with science fiction fandom in one way or another for 40 years now. He is hosting the fanzine lounge at the upcoming World Science Fiction Convention in San Antonio, Texas – LoneStarCon 3 – and is looking forward to attending his first world con since 1978!
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