The Big Idea: Rob Cameron

So many of us dream of dragons. In this big idea for Daydreamer, author Rob Cameron delves into why we do… and what the dragons might be thinking, too.


I wrote Daydreamer, my first middle grade novel, because I love dragons. I bet you do too.

We have come a long way since Smaug. Dragons have, of late, developed a popular alter ego that is no longer monstrous. This is peculiar, considering dragons are made from our primordial fears. Snakes. Claws and teeth of giant predators. Loud noises.

Instead of ducking for cover under our desks or diving under the bed (where the real monsters live), we befriend dragons. We make peace with nations of dragons. We quest to save their eggs. Turn them into pets. Catch them in red and white micro-apartments that are clearly not up to code, only to be yeeted during pre-teen gladiatorial combat. We train them. Fly on them. Wish upon them. Want to believe in them. We want to grow-up to be dragons…

Daydreamer: Amazon|Barnes & Noble|Bookshop|Powell’s

Author Socials: Website|Bluesky|Instagram|Twitter

Source: The Big Idea: Rob Cameron

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