New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for JUNE 11

Here’s the weekly post from my author blog on the new releases I found to be of interest in my three favorite romance genres (which are also the ones I write in!), and related areas such as time travel, steampunk, paranormal cozy romances and more. I do sometimes cover other releases of note in science fiction and fantasy.

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts). I don’t pick up every single new release each week but try to provide a representative subset and lots of choices.

Here’s a teaser for this week’s first two books (jump to the blog to see the approximately 87+ titles featured this week):


I’m walking along a dark country road, on my way to a costume party, dressed like a romance cover model. My torturous high heels are killing me, and I’m about to ditch them when a thick, mysterious mist engulfs me. The fog lifts, and a star streaks across the sky right overhead. It lands with a heavy bang in an open field nearby. Curiosity killed the cat, right? Well, consider this me having only eight lives left. My heart racing, I rush to the scene, where I nearly smack into a crashed alien spacecraft. The hatch opens and a gorgeous, horribly wounded alien groans inside. He reaches toward me, and when we touch, sparks flare across my skin. Okay, so now I have seven cat lives left. While I should run in the opposite direction, I can’t. There’s something magnetic about this green-skinned guy, and I’m going to rescue him. At my farmhouse, I put him in my bed and nurse him back to health. His name’s Lordek, and the more time we spend together, the more I fall in love. But the government’s determined to capture him and lock him inside a lab for eternity. Can I keep him hidden, or will I lose my star man forever?


VS note: There is an ongoing romance. I went ahead and one clicked book one in the series.

In 2195, GreenCorps controls the arid western lands of the former United States. They regulate water and sell only terminator seeds-forcing ongoing dependence on the corporation. Elsa has the key to the Doomsday seed bunkers and taking it north to Canada is the only way to ensure its safety. The rebels send help, but her group is betrayed before their departure. Fleeing in the night, Elsa and her friends disappear into the mountains, only one step ahead of GtreenCorps soldiers. In Denver, Ginger, the sheltered daughter of the GreenCorps leader, hops a train, escaping her lonely existence imprisoned in her father’s mansion. Encountering hardship and devastating thirst, Ginger experiences the disparity between the starving, oppressed populace, and her life of privilege. Rescued by Elsa’s group, she vows to help break the corporation’s stranglehold. As the GreenCorps henchmen close in, the race with the key becomes desperate. If caught, Elsa and her found family face life imprisonment, or worse, execution –their one chance to change their world, lost forever

Read more on Veronica Scott’s blog…

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New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for JUNE 5

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