Book View Cafe Readings: Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith

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Today’s reading is an excerpt from Crown Duel, by Sherwood Smith

Nebula and Mythopoeic Finalist

This picture of  Sherwood Smith was taken many years ago, when she was pretending to be suave and glam instead of  a nerd with a master’s in history, and a wild variety of jobs from barkeeper at a rough harbor joint to the film industry to teacher, when she wasn’t scribbling stories.

Sherwood Smith has published over fifty books, one of which was an Anne Lindbergh Honor Book; she’s twice been a finalist for the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award and once a Nebula finalist. She teaches writing at Viable Paradise Writing Workshop on Martha’s Vineyard,  and  has a Patreon, where she posts a chapter a day.

Though known primarily as a fantasy writer, Sherwood along with author Dave Trowbridge  collaborated on Exordium, a five-volume space opera, with Rachel Manija Brown on the young adult “hopeful dystopia” series called The Change, and with Andre Norton on four books listed elsewhere.



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