Book View Cafe Readings: Get to Know the Book View Cafe with Irene Radford

Book View Café is an author-owned and operated publishing cooperative of New York Times bestselling authors and award winners, among them, the late Ursula K. Le Guin. Our authors write across all genres, from science fiction to romance to historical to mainstream. At Book View Cafe,  members function as editors, copyeditors, ebook formatters, cover artists, website maintainers and more. Book View Cafe offers both reprints and new titles in ebook form, and many of our titles are also available in print.
Visit Book View Cafe to learn more.

Today’s reading is not a reading, but an introduction to the author’s collective known as the Book View Cafe, by one of its founders, author Irene Radford.

…aka P.R. Frost, aka C.F. Bentley, has been writing stories ever since she figured out what a pencil was for. A member of an endangered species, a native Oregonian who lives in Oregon, she and her husband make their home in Welches, Oregon, where deer, bears, coyotes, hawks, owls, and woodpeckers feed regularly on their back deck.

A museum-trained historian, Phyllis Irene has spent many hours prowling pioneer cemeteries deepening her connections to the past. Raised in a military family, she grew up all over the US and learned early on that books are friends that don’t get left behind with a move. Her interests and reading range from ancient history, to spiritual meditations, to space stations, and a whole lot in between.

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