“Zombie” virus awakes after nearly 50,000 years frozen in permafrost.  (What else will awaken as the permafrost thaws?)

China opening borders to tourists again.  

Scott Edelman shares a photo of Jack Williamson

Kermit the Dalek

A closeup of Io, showing intense  volcanic activity

Heliocentric offers some recommended Westworld reads

SMOF News offers warning about the possible impact of Anti-Drag legislation on conventions

Frank Wu is into Godzilla Pinball

We’re in the middle of Amazing Stories 97th anniversary

Jamie Lee Curtiss shows off her EEAAO awards.

David Gerrold is hosting another book sale

Bob Eggleton commemorates Akira Takarada on the anniversary of his passing

Rumors of Remakes:  Gattaca

And more scheduled remakes, including Soylent Green, They Live and The Black Hole

Historical FemmeFan of the Day:  Julian May


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Time Machine: March 19, 2023

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