Five planets will align on March 27 (tonight) and you won’t want to miss it

On Mar. 27, a planetary parade made up of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Uranus will march across the sky.(Image credit: brightstars via Getty Images)

On March 27, a planetary parade made up of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Uranus will march across the sky.

At this particular time of the year, amateur astronomers are participating in the Messier Marathon. Originally conceived by the late comet hunter, Don Machholz, it takes place around the time of the new moon, and within a week or so of the Vernal Equinox.

It is during this particular time of year, that all 110 of the various deep sky objects cataloged by the French astronomer, Charles Messier, come into view. Those with telescopes and a good knowledge of the sky, will stay up from dusk to dawn, looking for and logging as many Messier objects as they can. Sometimes, there are organized marathons scheduled, such as at the recent International Star Party in Flagstaff, Arizona. Even for assiduous amateur astronomers, the Messier Marathon poses a significant observing challenge

Related: Night sky, March 2023: What you can see tonight

A different type of challenge will be posed for sky gazers on the evening of March 27. Maybe we could echo the 1986 hit song by The Bangles, for that night will truly be a “Manic Monday” as there will be an opportunity to catch sight of five planets, a famous star cluster and the moon all in one evening.

Read more at source: 5 planets will align on March 27 & you won’t want to miss it

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