PSA:  Please try to follow these CDC guidelines as we work through the pandemic.

Gatherings:  Many of our readers are members if clubs and/or regularly attend conventions.  Many of our readers are in higher risk groups than others.  Please give careful consideration to your fanac and how you engage with it during the pandemic.

Events: has a current list of convention cancellations, delays and postponements.  File 770 regularly updates with new information.

New photos of Jupiter from Junocam

News coverage video of Boskone 57

Melinda Snodgrass talks Next Generation and Picard

Hugo Nomination Thoughts

Why we have female superhero movies (from Marvel)

Has “Sci Fi” been taken over by psychodrame?

Can’t keep your alternate Earths straight?  Here’s a run down on 52 of them

Black nerds get the nod in The New Nerd

Deep Learning vs Deep Learning:  clothes that can defeat AI image systems

Want to see what a googol looks like?

Unicellular Puppets

S.P. Somtow shares the cover of his Second Dream Book

Don’t go out in this rain without your titanium umbrella

Ken Liu gets animated

The Royal Heretic, a sword and soul adventure, Announced by MVMedia

Paul Levinson discusses the human rights of robots on Westworld

This is REALLY COOL.  Deleted footage, test shots & etc from Blade Runner stitched together

2001 A Space Odyssey preproduction artwork

Space Stewardess.  Right.

Two volume Darrell Schweitzer set announced

Who’s the Captain Now?

Scientists “Cure” Diabetes in Mice

Graeme Cameron takes Editorship of BCSFAzine

William Gibson says the apocalypse is already happening

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