Stuff That’s Happening

I recently announced Ira Nayman’s taking over the daily publication of posts as the newly appointed Managing Editor.

What I didn’t mention at the time was that, despite the cancelling of our special edition that was to be released at Worldcon, we’re going ahead with the somewhat regular publication of fiction anyhow.

We’ll be starting with our inaugural Gernsback Writing Contest winners and then moving on to some additional fiction we acquired for the special edition.

Before the in box gets flooded:  no, we’ve not yet opened for submissions (and yes, I know that is a tired refrain, but there’s no getting around it.  Life hit hard right at launch time and I can’t afford to jeopardize the whole shebang.  The ground is still shaky around here and probably will be for some time).

On the other hand – we have stories that are waiting to see their audience and it’s not fair to the authors to keep them hostage any longer.

In addition to our ten contest winners (read about it here), we’ll be publishing a story by our webmaster, Kermit Woodall.  They say an author ought to write what they know.  Sometimes what they know may give you pause.

We’ll also be publishing a new story from David Gerrold (who has recently been tearing up the pages of F&SF magazine).  In this tale, David engages in a little authorial license.

Ira ought to have everything he needs in hand and all signs point to his quickly tackling the task.  As soon as he’s ready, we’ll let you all know.

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