Asni’s Art Blog: Star Wars Popularity Contest: Old Friends

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Leia Banner, by Jose A Gonzalez Calderon – Ratohnhaketon645 on DeviantArt

I remember seeing The Empire Strikes Back when I was about fourteen, in English, with Portuguese subtitles. We had just moved to Brazil, and I wasn’t particularly fluent in either language at that time, so a lot of the subtleties of the plot eluded me. Like, that Han and Leia sort of get together. I thought she kissed Luke, so she’ll be in love with Luke. Sweet fourteen.

I was, however, majorly impressed with Luke’s one handed handstands, Yoda sitting on his foot. It was all very mysterious and very cool, and Luke and Leia both left a lasting impression. I’m not a Han Solo girl really, but the Wookie was mysterious and cool as well.

Harrison Ford has of course gone on to become one of Hollywood’s best employed actors, and Carrie Fisher popped up in a movie here or there, besides she has written a book – but Mark Hamill has all but disappeared from the public radar. So what a treat to see him back. Him, and Carrie Fisher both, not to mention the Wookie – and boy have they aged well.

Sky turns Dark, by AnimaEterna on DeviantArt
Leia: Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens, by Daniel Kordek – daekazu on DeviantArt
The Weight On Her Shoulders, by Federkiel on DeviantArt
General Leia WE CAN DO IT, by inicka on DeviantArt
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Han Solo Portrait, by Jose A Gonzalez Calderon – Ratohnhaketon645 on DeviantArt
Han Solo and Chewbacca from The Force Awakens, by Robert Shane – Robert-Shane on DeviantArt
Han Solo, by Trevor Grove – TrevorGrove on DeviantArt
It’s true, all of it, by Cristóbal González S. – Tobal-gz on DeviantArt
The Death Of Han Solo Torn Apart PSC, by Mick, Matt & Kathy Glebe – Twynsunz on DeviantArt
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Leia and Han Solo, by Laura Hollingsworth – lostie815 on DeviantArt
342-365, by Rick Celis – RickCelis on DeviantArt
Master and Apprentice, by AnimaEterna on DeviantArt
Luke Skywalker portrait study, by Erik Maell – Erik-Maell on DeviantArt
Luke Skywalker Star Wars The Force Awakens – by cowcoholic on DeviantArt
Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, by Colin Tan Wei – Hardedge-Maelstrom on DeviantArt
Episode VII – The Force Awakens – Poster, by David Alonso Lara – DarthTemoc on DeviantArt
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Luke Skywalker, by Jon Christopher Pendergraft – ChrisPendergraft on DeviantArt
Bots, by Felipe de Lima Simões – treehousedesign on DeviantArt
Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens, by Messy Pandas – MessyPandas on DeviantArt

All images are copyright the respective artists, and may not be reproduced without permission.

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