Amazing Stories’ regular contributor and anime aficionado par excellence!, Petrea Mitchell, has embarked on an interesting, exciting and ambitious project she is trying to fund through the wonders of Crowd Funding.
Her Convention Odyssey project will see Petrea attending a variety of different kinds of conventions every weekend for a YEAR, video blogging about the experience and in the process educating the fan community.
As Petrea remarks in her Indiegogo campaign, Fandom is EVERYWHERE, has MULTIPLE THREADS of interest and is all about PARTICIPATION.
Petrea aims to give fandom a much better understanding of itself during the process, and if anyone has the experience and expertise to handle such a task, Petrea is surely among the top ten contenders. A fan since the age of five she has been involved in gaming, costuming, filking, and just about every other fannish activity you can name. She’s experienced conventions from many sides: attendee, staff, program participant, and sitting behind a dealers’ room table. She is a regular panelist at Orycon, and of course writes a weekly streaming anime discussion post for Amazing Stories.
In true Fannish tradition, Petrea has pledged to donate any funding overruns to a variety of worthy fannish causes.
Amazing Stories thinks this is an excellent idea and urges fans everywhere to lend their support.
To learn more, read Petrea’s post right here on Amazing Stories, visit its Facebook site, the test blog (where she’ll be posting her video blogs when the project is up and running)
and don’t forget to watch her video on Indiegogo