The dynamic duo of DC Comics and Dynamite Entertainment brings fans of two iconic super hero teams together in this exciting six issue comic series, Batman 66’ Meets the Green Hornet.
Crazy 4 Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 by Gallery 1988 is a 176 page walk through the tremendous artwork one would find while walking through the annual display conceived by Scott Mosier and Kevin Smith called Crazy 4 Cult.
Science fiction and fantasy are taking over the realm of the Hollywood summer blockbuster, no question about it. Marvel Studios is gearing up to launch the Avengers franchise into space with the forthcoming Guardians of […]
Alex Kane is an author, blogger, and critic whose work has appeared in Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, Digital Science Fiction, and Foundation, among other places. He lives in the small college town of Monmouth, Illinois, where he earned a B.A. in English, and was recently named a finalist in the international Writers of the Future contest. Visit him online at
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