One year ago today, my wife, Karen Lynn Davidson, passed away while in home hospice care.
Later today I’ll be paying a visit to her grave site, placing a thorned rose (one of her faves) and thinking a few thoughts.
I’m not a religiously or spiritually inclined person; I don’t believe that I’ll be “talking”: to her somehow. Instead, I believe that these kinds of rituals are for the living, giving us ways to process our emotions, to come to terms with an uncomfortable reality.
Today, I think, is perhaps the most fitting day for this particular anniversary, and serendipitously so. Along about the middle of the second year of Amazing Stories online run, she told me that we needed to have a talk. The subject was her concern that I was working on the site 7 days a week and that we’d not been spending enough time together. We talked it out and settled on Saturday being the day for us; I’d write my editorial on Friday or earlier during the week and schedule it in order to free up the day.
I’m grateful that she brought this up. It gave us many, many fine days together, sometimes doing a planned activity, sometimes just spending time in each other’s company.
If Karen were alive today, I know exactly what we would be doing. Watching all of the pomp and circumstance of the Royal Wedding. Karen was a big Royals fan; her mother’s side of the family was English and both of Karen’s sons were born on the same days as Diana and Charles’ children were.
She’d have been glued to the television and, I am sure, shedding a few tears of joy in the process. Me, I’d probably be making snarky comments about the hats until I was told to shut up.
Because of the kind of person Karen was, I’m able to think about these things with fondness rather than grief. Even in death, she still manages to bring joy into my life.
Today, in honor of Karen’s passing, I’m asking all of you to give those special someones in your lives a Saturday. Be together for a day. You don’t know how many you’ll have.
Big hugs dear Steve. I know how you feel. For me is 3 years… and still remembering, sometimes sad, sometimes glad I had him in my life…
Thanks Tanya. It’s not a club one wants to belong to.
Doesn’t seem like a year, Steve. Condolences.
FYI, Lynne and I are planning to take in a few yard sales today. That’s the kind of thing we enjoy doing together.