Uncanny magazine was presented as being cutting edge when it first announced itself.
A couple of years worth of issues has proven that to be anything but hype.
That edginess has now extended to something unusual (tho not unprecedented) in the annals of science fiction magazines: engagement with the mundane world, from a genre perspective.
It is no secret that the future landscape presented by the Trump administration is not one that jives with the futures the vast majority of science fiction fans not only imagine, but hope for. Our community can generally be regarded as a liberal one (with heavy socialist influences): on matters concerning diversity, women’s rights, religious rights, international relations, climate change, openness and even reality, many of us find ourselves gravely concerned, if not outraged and terribly, terribly confused.
This is not the direction we expected to be traveling in 2017.
Thousands upon thousands of our fellow citizens have engaged in resistance and protest like never before: civil action is directly responsible (though not the only factor) in the failure of the replacement health care bill to pass.
Resistance works and the more we all resist, individually and collectively, the greater the impact we will have.
Which is why today I am performing an act of resistance by pointing you all to Sam J. Miller’s article in the latest issue of Uncanny Magazine –
Resistance 101: Basics of Community Organizing for SF/F Creators & Consumers, Volume One: Protest Tips and Tricks, and to Elsa Sjunneson-Henry’s article Act Up, Rise Up, a personal account of protest.
Unfortunate as it is, we can no longer hide behind the walls of the SF ghetto. Decisions made by the present administration are affecting us directly, and will continue to do so. It is up to all of us to get involved and make ourselves heard.
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