With File 770’s Mike Glyer being down with an illness, we turn to another scion of the fannish world, David Langford, and his monthly Ansible offering.
But first – even MORE Fannish news from Dave.
And when we say “even MORE Fannish”, we mean Fannish of the totally unexpurgated, completely unadulterated, Fannish as only Fannish can be variety:
David has announced that Robert Hansen’s THEN: Science Fiction Fandom in the UK 1930-1980, a history of UK Fandom, is almost ready to be released for ordering. (The delay caused by Dave caving to demands for a hardback edition and needing additional time to check proofs. BTW – this is the kind of ‘caving’ that Amazing Stories heartily approves of.)
A review will appear on Amazing very soon.
Here’s the cover:
and here’s the soon to be active ordering page.
A lot of Rob Hansen’s work can be found on Fanac.org as well. Go whet your appetite.
And now that that bit is out of the way –
* That’s right! Ansible is now a Registered Trademark! (Can you name any other fanzines that have trademarked titles?)