NOTES: The 2016 Hugo Awards are handed out and are a roaring endorsement of diversity, inclusion and the fannish community!  Congrats to everyone!

OTHER NOTES:  You can follow the proceedings of the business meeting, almost live, here

STILL OTHER NOTES:  3SV Passes for ratification next year;  EPH passes and will be in effect next year; EPH+ passes for ratification next year.


Omni This Week; Pandemonium Books; Pro Se Productions

INSPIRATION FOR AUTHOR TYPES (New:  News Items that might inspire creativity)

How Close Can Moons Orbit?

Jessica Jones:  Core Relationships

The Scarecrow with Laser Eyes

Brin on SETI & METI…

Reinventing Drake’s Equation

Cosmos Mostly Devoid of Life?

Persistent Conspiracy:  ChemTrails Ain’t

Nanobots Target Cancer Cells

Hotels in the Future and Another, Places to Stay When You Visit the Robot Theme Park

Shades of 30’s SF:  New “Fifth Force” (purple ray?) May Have Been Identified (Just don’t call it phlogiston)

Mars Looks Like the US Southwest


Dave Truesdale of TangentOnline Expelled From Worldcon

Playing Games Sharpens Social Skills, Social Networking, Not So Much

Victim of a Troll Attack

Spotlight on the Women of NASA and More

Neo-Nazi Helms Baltimore Police Legal Defense

Native Americans Attempt to Defend Their Land, Again

Social Justice?  President of Family Research Council who said floods are sent to punish gays gets flooded out.  (Maybe he’s going for the job of bathroom monitor….)

Carl Sagan Said Some Wise Things

Hallucination Can Be A Good Thing (via Mike Walsh)


George Takei Celebrates Trek’s 50th Aboard the Vomit Comet



Virtual Reality in Spaaaace

Making Monty Python Work

Gamers: Then and Now

Original Hellboy Coming from Dark Horse

“R2 – fix the X-Wing’s Stabilizer….nah, just make some popcorn instead”

Dr. Who Coloring Book

Holy Batman!, Batman

Galaxy + Meteor = Great Pic!

Space Prison Review

Beatles-Trek Mashup

Oh, The Poor, Doomed Stick Figures


Arabic SF Publisher Launches

Horror Fiml Fest

Is Marvel Slipping?

Den of Geek Survey

Aurora Award Winners

WordPress Bundle

Must Read Spec-Fic in Translation

Actually, Margaret, There isn’t Much Difference Between SF & Spec-Fic (ok, one has talking squids in space and the other talking octopi…)

Dragon Award Nominees (free beer for every vote!) Scalzi Withdraws (apparently doesn’t want a beer….)

Standlee at Worldcon & Roadtrip to Worldcon

New Covers from Haffner Press

Star Trek; Mission New York


Meteors From Spaaaaace!

SpaceX Night Launch – and Landing!

This is NOT a Plush Toy at the Bottom of the Sea

Apparently, Space Inflatables Are Not a New Thing

Hairy Black Holes Confirmed

China Launches Quantum Satellite (but is it only there if we look for it?)

Three Cheers for the NASA Vikings

NASA Preps for Asteroid Recovery Mission

Square Pants or Not, Sponge Bob’s Got Nothing on This Creature

Evidence of Ancient Supernova Found in Fossils

Chuck Tingle, Take Notice:  “Butt” Aeroship Test Flight





Angst Boards the Enterprise

by Jason Teich
It’s been fifty years since the first episode of Star Trek beamed itself into American living rooms, but somehow Captain Kirk and crew are still with us.  Times have changed, though, and on their most recent voyage the Enterprise crew faces an unfamiliar challenge: Existential doubt.


by John Crowley
A man and his alien rescuer form an unexpected bondFICTION
Going Under
by Jack Dann
The sinking of the Titanic is the thrill ride of the future

Against Babylon
by Robert Silverberg
The alien ships lit fires in the hills around L.A.
Was it an invasion — or a mistake?


Pandemonium Book News

The Latest and Greatest in Sci-Fi and Fantasy Literature

In this newsletter you’ll find:

Author Events

Daniel José Older and Zoraida Córdova
Thursday, September 22, 7:00 p.m.

Join Daniel José Older and Zoraida Córdova in a discussion about their books while they are in town for the Boston Teen Author Festival.

Daniel José Older is the author of both adult and young adult books, includingShadowshaper (Locus Award Nominee for Best Young Adult Book in 2016, Kirkus Prize Finalist for Young Readers’ Literature in 2015) and the Bone Street Rumba urban fantasy series, which starts with Half-Resurrection Blues.

Zoraida Córdova has a young adult fantasy series which is both called and starts withThe Vicious Deep. Her new series, Brooklyn Brujas, starts with the release ofLabyrinth Lost on September 6. Come celebrate the release of her new book!

Dianna Sanchez and Susan Jane Bigelow
Saturday, October 1, 7:00 p.m.

Dianna Sanchez and Susan Jane Bigelow have both just Kickstarted books, and we are excited to host their launch party!

Dianna Sanchez is celebrating the release of her middle grade fantasy novel, A Witch’s Kitchen, and Susan Jane Bigelow is celebrating the release of her young adult fantasy novel, The Demon Girl’s Song.


Bitty Reviews…

Cold-Forged Flame, by Marie Brennan
Available September 13

I am still new to novellas, but this one is added to the list of stories that felt Just Right at novella length.

There is enough mystery to remain engaged, but not so much that the reader is at a loss. It is a quick, fun read, and I hope to see more adventures with our heroine.


We’re Buying Used Books Again!

Do you have stacks and stacks of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror novels that you are never going to read again?

Are they first in a series, or at least not the sixth in a series?

Are they books that you think other people will want to read and you want to spread the joy?

If you answered yes to the above, we might be interested in buying them from you! We will be buying books at $1 of store credit each, and Sarah, Tyler, and John are very happy to look over any bags of books you may want to bring in and potentially give you store credit to buy MORE BOOKS.

Feel free to call the store and make an appointment, or just stop by!

Finally, don’t forget to peruse our used book section, now separated out from our new mass markets. You might just find some hidden gems!


Local Events

King Richard’s Faire
Weekends, September 3 through October 23

Come and escape your reality at King Richard’s Faire! Entertainment, exciting rides, and skilled games abound on the Faire’s enchanting 80-acre wooded site. You’ll be dazzled by acrobats, aerialists, and jugglers! Captivated with minstrels, dancers, and puppeteers, and instantly enthralled by fire eaters and exotic tigers. Hundreds of talented performers perform non-stop for you throughout the day when visiting any one of eight vibrant stages.

Author Event: J. Patrick Black, Ninth City Burning
Thursday, September 15, 7:00 p.m.
Brookline Booksmith

Entire cities disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing but dust and rubble. When an alien race came to make Earth theirs, they brought with them a weapon we had no way to fight. Five hundred years later, the Earth is locked in a grinding war of attrition. But the enemy’s tactics are changing, and Earth’s defenders are about to discover this centuries-old war has only just begun.

Boston Book Festival
Saturday, October 15
Copley Square

The Boston Book Festival celebrates the power of words to stimulate, agitate, unite, delight, and inspire by holding year-round events culminating in an annual, free festival that promotes a culture of reading and ideas and enhances the vibrancy of our city.

Facebook icon Be sure and visit us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest news from the store!
Copyright © 2016 Pandemonium Books & Games Inc., All rights reserved.



Sherlock Holmes is back at Pro Se Productions, and this time he’s not alone.  Author Brad Sinor’s THE GAME’S AFOOT: A HOLMESIAN MISCELLANY, a collection of Holmes related tales, is now available in print and ebook editions from Pro Se Productions.

“Holmes,” says Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of Pro Se Productions, “is not only one of the most iconic characters ever created, he is also one of the most complex.  This makes it possible to take a Holmes story in any direction possible, from continuing to walk in Doyle’s well regarded footsteps to going places and distances no one would ever imagine.  Combine that with the rich supply of supporting characters that have always been a part of Holmesian lore, as well as those who populate his place in time, and the field is ripe for wildly imaginative cases and adventures.  Brad Sinor delivers exactly that in THE GAME’S AFOOT, breaking many boundaries with Holmes and others, while still delivering tales that are reflective of the style we all love and the canon that so many adore.”

He solved cases others considered impossible. Those we know about. But there were other events taken on by the world’s best known detective and those he called friend as well as enemy that explored, encountered, and even exposed the impossible. And now those tales of terror and deduction are gathered together, stories that pit Sherlock Holmes and those around him against forces beyond mortal man, beyond even this planet. But also, let it not be forgotten that evil need not be supernatural to be truly horrific. The Game’s Afoot: A Holmesian Miscellany is a collection of tales by Author Brad Sinor that add a facet to the world inhabited by Holmes and characters both associated with him and those who had their own stories to tell. Action, adventure, terror, and mystery await readers as they follow Holmes and others into The Game’s Afoot: A Holmesian Miscellany. From Pro Se Productions.

Featuring an iconic cover by Jeffrey Hayes and cover design and print formatting by Antonino Lo Iacono, THE GAME’S AFOOT: A HOLMESIAN MISCELLANY is available now at Amazon at and Pro Se’s own store at for 15.00.

This imaginative Holmes collection, a part of Pro Se’s HOLMES APOCHRYPHA line,  is also available as an Ebook, designed and formatted by Lo Iacono for only $2.99 for the Kindle at and for most digital formats via Smashwords at

For more information on this title, interviews with the author, or digital copies to review this book, contact Pro Se Productions’ Director of Corporate Operations, Kristi King-Morgan at
To learn more about Pro Se Productions, go to Like Pro Se on Facebook at

Copyright © 2016 Pro Se Productions, All rights reserved.
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