This is the page where our latest updates will appear.
UPDATE: 7/27/23
Where we are at:
The event has been announced.
It will take place in April of 2026. We have not yet settled on a weekend. The possible dates are:
4/3 – 4/5
4/10 – 4/12
4/17 – 4/19
4/24 – 4/26
As soon as the weekend in question is finalized, we will announce it.
It will take place at RavenCon 19, which will be held in Glen Allen (Richmond), Virginia. This map shows the proximity of Glen Allen to Richmond.
This map displays the wealth of hotels located in Glen Allen. The actual location for SF100 will most likely be the Virginia Crossings by Hilton in Glen Allen, VA. A beautiful hotel that’s conveniently located near the intersection of I-95 and 295, although this has not been completely finalized as of the current date, The Virginia Crossings by Hilton is highlighted on the map.
Richmond is the closest airport. Here is a link to a list of the airlines that fly there..
We intend to do some fundraising prior to the convention in order to assist us with costs associated with virtual aspects of the convention, promoting the convention, perhaps to support special events and presentations.
To that end we are preparing a Patreon page (not yet active) and have released a limited edition T-shirt promoting the event. This shirt is available through the Amazing Stories Etsy Store and will soon be available through the RavenCon store.
It is available in a number of colors and sizes. This “First Edition” T-shirt will be discontinued in the future and replaced with a “Second Edition” (and so forth). Those desiring to get in on the ground floor and to help commemorate SF’s Centennial should think about purchasing one sooner, rather than later, as once a design is retired, it will never be available again.
Membership Fees have not yet been finalized.
We expect to offer Memberships well in advance of the event. There may be “specials” and discounted offers, as well as working with Fan Funds and Diversity programs to insure that attendance is as wide-ranging and as representative as possible.
The event is intended to be both live (in person) and virtual. Our intention is to encourage Fan Groups, Clubs and Associations to host a “Local Gathering” and then connect those local celebrations to the main convention, via online video conferencing, at key moments of the event. This way, a worldwide audience can directly participate in the celebration.
We intend to publish a set of “Official Guidelines” for such gatherings (a specific place and times, contact personnel, adopting of diversity and inclusion policies, use of anti-harassments policy, etc) and then promote them as Official Gatherings, allowing Fans in various locations throughout the world to find and hopefully attend one.
We have already received offers to host several local parties and are looking for more.
While it is obviously very early to announce any specific items for our programming schedule, we do know that a major theme of programming will be “The Current State of”, focusing on various aspects of the Science Fiction genre and its Fandom. So, for example, a Keynote Address on “The Current State of Magazine Science Fiction”, The Current State of Women Authorship in Science Fiction”, “The Current State of Science Fiction Fandom” and the like.
Several individuals who would be ideal for delivering keynote addresses on those and related subjects have already been contacted. The vast majority have replied enthusiastically in the affirmative. Whether these presentations will be live or virtual has not yet been determined and will likely take place on an individual basis (some live, some virtual).
We also hope to have some fun, fannishly-oriented “happenings” at the event. Several tongue-in-cheek suggestions have already been made, including a Scavenger Hunt to find the Infamous Yellow Flyer distributed at the first Worldcon, perhaps a live game of Reaching the Enchanted Duplicator, even a “get your photo taken in a bathtub full of lime jello” opportunity. Our intention is for this event to be a FUN and memorable celebration of the genre we all love so much. And that means we want to hear from Fans. Throw your suggestions into the box!
We also expect there to be various panels, signing, presentations, readings and a Birthday Party.
The primary thing any Fan can do right now is help us spread the word. Send an email to or telling us you’d like to help publicize the event. We’ll send you artwork and information.
Feel free to discuss it on Social Networking outlets. Download the flyer, print up some copies and distribute them at local conventions. Sign up when Registration opens. Tell your friends. Buy a T-shirt. Make a billion dollars at something and offer to underwrite the event.
You can learn more about RavenCon here.
You can learn more about Amazing Stories right on this website.