File 770 originally published a purported Hugo Awards 2023 Finalists list on July 2nd and was then asked by Dave McCarthy the Hugo Awards Administrator, in a message relayed by Tammy Coxson, to take the list down as it was “it was released in error and not correct.”.
File 770 has redacted their original post.
Commenters noted that the original list was viewable at the Wayback Machine on, and, as of this writing, it could be found there at this link.
Given the long, drawn-out history of this first-ever Chinese Worldcon , this latest should not be all that much of a surprise. Ballots were not received, communications were not answered, voting was pushed back, and the date and the location of the con were pushed back, not to mention the possible machinations that started this whole mess. (Oh, and let’s not forget Fans complaining about how things were being done – for a Worldcon! – being accused of racism, as if Fans haven’t complained about how Worldcons were being not run since, oh, ummm, 1939.)
Congrats to the almost finalists.
For those not wanting to bother to visit the Wayback Machine, the current list does have a mix of both Western published works and, apparently, Chinese-sourced works…but is not overly weighted in favor of Chinese works. Of course, this is subject to change (it will be interesting to see what does change), but the somewhat expected dominance of native language works does not appear on this list (and what’s up with that? Rally the troops for site selection but not Hugo votes? Perhaps missing emails were more widespread than we thought?)
If you want to see the originally released list, you can find it here.