Noticias Literatura 12-12
An interview with the author of “Tomorrow we will cross the Ganges”, Ekaitz Ortega

Noticias Literatura 6-12
A call for submissions and an interview with the author of Jo, Jo, Jo.

Noticias Literatura 29-11
A new release featuring Santa Claus and Zombies, coverage of horror in a prestigious journal, and more

Review: Frankenstein Dreams
Frankenstein Dreams: A Connoisseur’s Collection of Victorian Science Fiction is a gallery of literary wonder edited by Michael Sims

Noticias Literatura 22-11
Winners of the Premios Ignotus Award for 2017, new book releases, magazine issues and more.

A New Take-Home Exhibit From the Museum of Science Fiction Celebrates the Women of Sci-Fi
After a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign, the finished product is here: Catalysts, Explorers & Secret Keepers: Women of Science Fiction. It’s a collection of new and reprinted works, framed as a take-home exhibit from the […]

Review: EX LIBRIS: Stories of Librarians, Libraries & Lore
Get your library card out, because you’re going to want to check out the anthology EX LIBRIS: Stories of Librarians, Libraries & Lore.

Noticias Literatura 16-11
News from and of interest to the Spanish speaking speculative fiction community.

Noticias Literatura 9-11
A book launch, writing contests and more news of interest to Spanish speaking fans of speculative fiction.

Noticias Literatura 1-11-17
News of TerBi, new novel releases and “The search for identity in gender literature” presentation + colloquium.

Noticias Literatura 25-10
News of the latest Spanish language speculative fiction releases, as well as a horror symposium.

Review: Latest Publications from DMR Books
The dynamic correlation between basic storytelling and the emotional imagery of poetic lyrics takes center stage in the latest publications from DMR Books

Noticias Literatura 18-10
News of a writing contest and the release of the latest issue of Digital miNatura.

Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 6 edited by Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects, science fiction and fantasy’s first and only annual humor anthology series, is back for a sixth year with stories by Jim C. Hines, Mike Resnick, Alan Dean Foster, Jody Lynn Nye, Esther Friesner, Gini Koch, Ken Liu, Jack Campbell and more.

Noticias Literatura 20-9
The contents of SuperSonic Issue 8, the program of the 9th Gothic Week of Madrid dedicated to Lovecraft, and more.

Review: The Dial by R. W. Warwick
The Dial by R. W. Warwick is a fun collection of short stories with varying themes and a vast range of subject matter.

Noticias Literatura 6-9
An announcement about new publications from Ediciones El transbordador, Apache Libros takes over publication of the winners of the UPC Awards, and more!

Noticias Literatura 30-8
The publication of YOSS’ satirical novel Super Extra Grande, a call for a new anthology of speculative fiction, and more.

Review: Ugly Little Things by Todd Keisling
Ugly Little Things is actually a lovely little assortment of bizarre tales and horrific adventures from the twisted mind of Todd Keisling.

VIEWS & REVIEWS: TV, BOOK and MOVIE (wish I had some news too!)
This week, Steve reviews an SF anthology about Trump’s presidency (!) and gives a hearty “meh!” to Despicable Me 3. Check out his reviews!

Noticias Literatura 26-7
The republication of a classic Elia Barceló novel, the call for nominations for the 17th Manuel de Pedrolo Award – City of Mataró competition for works of science fiction in Catalan, and more news of interest to Spanish speaking speculative fiction fans.

Noticias Literatura 19-7
Announcement of the release of a Spanish language science fiction anthology called Quasar 2.

Improbable Interviews – Cherith Baldry
An interview with Cherith Baldry, one of the contributors to the anthology Improbable Botany.

Improbable Interviews – Adam Roberts
I have recently edited a new anthology of science fiction and fantasy stories about fantastical flora. The book, Improbable Botany, features authors who between them have won the Arthur C Clarke, British Science Fiction Association, […]

Noticias Literatura 5-7
The launch of Sergi Álvarez’ satirical novel The Silencer and a description of the latest issue of “Science Fiction Studies” focused on Spanish SF.

Improbable Interviews – Ken MacLeod
Ken Macleod interviewed about his contribution to Improbable Botany

Review: Sunjammer by Arthur C. Clarke
Sunjammer by Arthur C. Clarke is just one of seven stories editor Terry Carr selected for The Infinite Arena anthology, a cohesive mixture of sports and classic science fiction many fans will enjoy.

Noticias Literatura 31-5
News of the Ignotus Award (the Spanish Hugos), the publication of El Club de los Etéreos by Aniel Dominic, and more!
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