From the Palmer Files: UFO Seekers Head to Thailand

A hilltop in central Thailand is attracting UFO seekers who believe extraterrestrials hover above a huge Buddha statue, send telepathic communiques, walk across nearby sugarcane fields and use a crocodile-infested lake as a portal from their planets — Pluto and Loku.

Though it may sound like science fiction, a small group of individuals claims messages from aliens arriving in spaceships include plenty of traditional religious teachings too — leading them to believe they are actually Buddhist.

It’s all happening three hours by road or rail north from Bangkok in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to “City of Heaven.”

Without all the UFO hype, it’s just a laid-back small town. But followers believe that if you meditate on Khao Kala hill, outside of Nakhon Sawan, you could hear the talkative silver creatures as voices in your head, speaking whatever language your thoughts usually chatter.

They do offer a disclaimer, saying there is no guarantee you will see UFOs or aliens, which are described as unpredictable, speaking or appearing spontaneously and disappearing after a few hours.

Full Story From CNN

This article was originally posted on Queer SF

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