Ben Affleck, Really?


Ben Affleck BatmanNot everyone is delighted about the news that Ben Affleck is the new Batman for the Man of Steel sequel and I am certainly one of those in that camp. I was disappointed with Daredevil, it wasn’t a great film but also Ben Affleck wasn’t really a great superhero. I did however enjoy him in Hollywoodland where he portrayed George Reeves, the story about the first TV Superman, but that was about the actor and not the superhero character he played.

I have a lot of respect for Ben Affleck, he is a great actor, writer and director. His career seemed to be slowing down and then with the Oscars this year he made a big speech that seemed to show that he had really been struggling and is now back. But, just because he is hot property again doesn’t mean he is going to make a Batman. I feel as strongly about this as when George Clooney signed up for the role. Surely Clooney would have given him some advice on this before he took the role?

I’m sure he may prove us wrong. I recall thinking the same on Daniel Craig as James Bond (I was hoping for Clive Owen or Henry Cavill) but he proved me wrong and I now think he is up there in the top three Bonds. What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear from those that are looking forward to seeing him as Batman (purely because I’m yet to meet anyone that is).


Image source: Telegraph

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  1. I’ve not seen The Dark Knight Rises yet, so I guess I’m not very invested in this. But given the creative choices taken by the team behind Man of Steel I have zero hopes for the Superman / Batman movie regardless who plays anyone in it.

  2. I’m unsure how I feel about this – but all I can do is recall peoples’ reaction to Heath Ledger being cast as the Joker for The Dark Knight. They were furious.

    I guess we should give the guy a chance, yeah?

    Though…Daredevil was pretty awful, so there’s that.

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