Films with Female Heroes MAKE MORE MONEY Than Their Male Counterparts (take that, Hollywood bean-counters!)
Creator of Social Networking says “Get Out. Now!“
Trump Administration Continues its Assault on Science, Now at the Interior
We published this earlier in the week, but a reminder is appropriate: Steven Barnes on Into the Spider-Verse and Representation
Somtow Sucharitkul mentioned how horrified he was by this on Facebook; can’t find the link but here’s what’s bothering him: immigrants at the US southern border with NUMBERS written on their arms.
Disposable Period Products Are Becoming A Problem
Andrew Serkis Reprises Gollum Role, as Theresa May
Two Indictments of Millenials In One: First – Why Can’t They Open a Can of Tuna? and Yes, Music Really IS Getting Worse
This One’s For Bob: Godzilla King of the Monsters!
Stories From the Genre’s Past: The Hevelin Collection
The Ralph Carlson Pulp Collection: Prominently Features Amazing Stories (both old and new)
Yes, this is politics, but it’s also entertaining in a sadly ‘look at the freaks’ kind of way: Brianna Wu says Congress’s lack of tech savy is embarrassing
Infinity War Trailer, starring Deadpool, as Everyone
Retro-Art for Starship Troopers
Crisis Will Feature in Arrowverse Crossover
We’re Only 18 Years in, but here’s a list of the 50 best fantasy novels of the 21st century
SF Film Flops That are Great and Hits that are Overrated (Opinions may vary….)
Superb Low Budget SF Film The Endless
Talk About Throwing Down the Infinity Gauntlet: Captain Marvel says Thanos is a ‘wimp’
Daniel Kimmel Not Attending Arisia
Inspiration for A Brave New World? Rose Macaulay’s What Not was first published 100 years ago.
American Library’s SF From the ’60s
If You’ve Ever Wondered: Have Any Female Authors Influenced the Genre? Here’s a Timeline
Black Panther Could Change the Future
Great Barrier Reef Manages to Hang On
Want to Recycle Garbage? How About Some Cockroaches?
In Light of the Chinese Genetic Experiment: We Have Ways to Stop Rogue Scientists (but they don’t always work) (also, pay a visit to my editorial)
Box Cutters In Spaaaaace: Cosmonauts search for a mysterious leak
First Pic From Inside the Sun’s Atmosphere!
SpaceX Breaks Record for Commercial Launches
Science Fiction Sales: Howard DeVore’s Collection: A ton of pulps, paperbacks, ephemera, all from a fantastic collection
Give Yourself and Your Pet a Gift This Season: Video Pet Monitors, Treat Dispensors
Neon SJW Credentials on Color Changing Coffee Mugs (who doesn’t want a neon on black velvet cat staring at them from a coffee mug in the morning?)
Favorite Science Books of the Year
Is the Beach Boys’s Good VIbrations the Theme Song for Quantum Physics?
More Gifts for those who love physics and math
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